Are you a member of the LKWA?
We welcome your continued membership in our organization to ensure our future success.
To renew or add your membership to our organization, please send your $35 check and contact information to:
Lake Kanasatka Watershed Association
PO Box 774
Center Harbor, NH 03226
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]
As you know our mission is preserving and protecting our cherished lake. Our Lake Kanasatka water sampling program, in concert with the University of New Hampshire, monitors the health of our lake. This is our largest expense. We also host our July business meeting at the loon center and have our annual social potluck luncheon/meeting in August. Annually, we have contributed to three local conservation organizations, the Loon Center, the Lake Region Conservation Trust and the NH Lake Association. We help fund the Kanasatka loon nesting platform effort and were disappointed this year with the loss of our two chicks. All of our efforts are enhanced and documented via our website and Facebook page. As an organization, we would like to continue all of these efforts and can with your continued support.
We would welcome the continuation of your support towards supporting our mutual goal, the preservation of our lake.