Shoreland Protection

(from NHDES Shoreland Protection website)

Where is the protected shoreland?

Protected shorelands are those that are located within 250 ft of the reference line of public waters.

What is the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act?

The Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act (RSA 483-B) establishes buffers known as “protected shoreland”, located along public waters. Within the protected shoreland, the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act (SWQPA) regulates certain activities such as a lot subdivision, land development, and vegetation management, among other things.

Impervious Surfaces and Tree Cutting

Scott Dvorak, the Town of Moultonborough Code Enforcement/Health officer has asked us to share the following Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act (SWQPA) regulations with our LKWA community. (From Dec 2022 Newsletter) Under V. (g) Impervious surfaces.
(3) If the impervious surface area will exceed 20 percent (where the RSA currently reads, 30 percent) and the tree, sapling, shrub, and groundcover in the waterfront buffer does not meet the point score requirement of 100 points in any segment, then such segment shall be planted, as determined by rule of the department, with trees, saplings, shrubs, or groundcover in sufficient quantity, type, and location either to meet the minimum score or to provide at least an equivalent level of protection as provided by the minimum score and shall be maintained in accordance with RSA 483-B:9, V(a). In addition to the requirements of the SWQPA and not in limitation thereof: No person shall commence cutting down trees or saplings, within the natural woodland buffer, without first filing with the Code Enforcement Office a diagram of the waterfront buffer as set forth in the SWQPA* RSA 483-B:9, V.(a)(2)(D) and photographic documentation of the natural woodland buffer.

NHDES Fact Sheets

New Hampshire Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management
Erosion Control for Construction within the Protected Shoreland
Lawn Care within the Protected Shoreland
Pesticide Use Within the Protected Shoreland
Vegetation Management for Water Quality
Shoreland Accessory Structures
Pressure Treated Wood

Do you need a shoreland permit?