Established to promote the conservation of the quality of the environment of the area in the watershed of Lake Kanasatka, including the conservation of the natural resources of the land, water, marshland, woodland and open spaces, as well as the plant and animal life therein, and the protection of the water quality of Lake Kanasatka and its tributaries against pollution.

Protecting and Preserving New Hampshire’s Lakes through Citizen-based Monitoring and Research

An excellent Boston Chronicle “On The Water” segment aired this past Monday evening. The filming took place on Lake Kanasatka on August 27th and featured volunteers from LKWA’s water quality team, Chair Lisa Hutchinson and members Carol and Rick Carlson. The topic was the University of New Hampshire’s Lakes Lay Monitoring Program and its interns and volunteers who collect and analyze water samples throughout the state, to better understand water quality conditions and inform decisions about lake health and public safety.

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