If you couldn’t attend the annual meeting, here is an update on your 2022 RRT, which is trained and ready to respond to any suspected cyanobacteria blooms on Lake Kanasatka. We hope we are NOT very busy this summer!
Your RRT views suspected blooms and coordinates directly with key representatives of NHDES and UNH and Lake Winni Association. We safely collect and handle samples, properly store the samples, and get them to NHDES or UNH in a timely manner. The RRT and LKWA will keep the Kanasatka community informed appropriately.
Members are:
Lisa Hutchinson, lead
Carol Carlson, backup lead
Anne and Jim O’Connor
Pat and Mike Devanney
Rosemarie Rung
Tim Baker
Scott Parker
Ken Queeney
The RRT does not actively patrol the lake and is reliant on lake residents and visitors to let us know if you see a suspected bloom. You can reach us (with your location and photo of the suspected bloom) by:
- Contacting any one of us directly
- Emailing [email protected]
- Instant Messaging LKWA on Facebook
- Donations to three organizations in the amount of $250.00 each: NH Lakes, Lakes Region Conservation Trust, Loon Preservation Committee
- Adoption of the 2022 Amended and Restated Bylaws of LKWA, Inc.
- Election of the 2022-2023 Board of Directors: Rob Baker, Tim Baker, Colette Cooke, Wendy Booker Downing, Lisa Hutchinson, Kirk Meloney and Christine Wallace
- A motion proposed by the membership from the floor to increase the annual dues from $25.00 to $35.00