Myron J. Sharp, better known as “Boo” by his grandchildren, is the maternal grandfather of Carol, Bruce and Ed Hart of Bishop Shore Road and a “gem of a man”, according to neighbor and LKWA President, Kirk Meloney. He was also the designer of the first LKWA logo- the one we have been using since its creation by Myron in the late 60’s or early 70’s, soon after our lake association was born.

Myron and his wife Carol loved the lake. They initially camped at Fletchers farm and when the “Kanasatka Cottages” were built (without any running water), they returned for several more summers of fishing, listening to the loons and just enjoying the beauty of the lake. They later rented a cottage on Red Hill Road before ultimately buying a cottage under construction on Bishop Shore Road in 1955 where the current generation of the family continues to summer today!

As LKWA continued to navigate the challenges of deteriorating water quality and financial funding necessary for the current alum treatment, we found ourselves stymied by a challenge from another direction! Our beloved logo, which has been in use for 60+ years was not able to provide the high resolution image necessary for today’s graphic projects. In keeping with a “fresh start” for Lake Kanasatka following the much anticipated alum treatment this month, we are excited to announce that with the support of the Hart family, the LKWA logo has a fresh new look, while remaining true to Myron’s original design, thanks to Bree Rossiter. While the new logo will now be in place on all LKWA products, materials and documents, the original logo and Myron’s story will be saved in perpetuity on our website. With our thanks to the Hart family.

Lake Kanasatka Watershed Association